Windows 10 Reaches End-Of-Life

Windows 10 Reaches End-Of-Life on October 14, 2025

Microsoft Windows 10 reaches End-Of-Life on October 14, 2025. After that, there will be no further Quality Updates (including security and reliability fixes), Feature Updates, or Technical Support for Windows 10.

If you have a Windows 10->Windows 11 license, update to Windows 11. We recommend updating to Windows 11 at least 1 to 3 months before October 14, 2025 to acclimate yourself to differences/changes in Windows 11.

Some older computer hardware currently running Windows 10 is not compatible with Windows 11. If hardware is not compatible, plan for hardware replacement of existing Windows 10 hardware. Order and install new hardware at least 1 to 3 months before October 14, 2025 to ensure timely delivery, setup, and acclimation to new hardware. Windows has a compatibility test and will notify you if your computer is not compatible.

Business Licenses and Extended Security Updates (ESUs):

  • All devices should be running Windows Pro, not Windows Home.
  • If your Windows 10 devices do not support Windows 11’s TPM/hardware requirements, you may be able to purchase Extended Security Updates (ESU) until buying new hardware is feasible.
    • Without ESU, your Windows 10 device will no longer receive any Quality Updates (including security and reliability fixes) Feature Updates, or Technical Support.
    • To be eligible to install updates from the ESU Program, the device must be running Windows 10, version 22H2.
    • ESU Does Not Include:
      • New features.
      • Customer-requested non-security updates.
      • Design change requests.
      • General support won't be provided for Windows versions past the end of support date. Support will be available only to those organizations that purchase ESU for specific situations concerning the security updates. To get technical support, organizations must have an active support plan in place.
    • ESUs are available for 1 to 3 years and are available in yearly increments starting November 2025. Starting price is $61 for the year 1, $122 for year 2, and $244 for year 3, Prices subject to change.
    • If your Windows 10 device licenses are Academic or Education, ESU pricing is $1 for year 1, $2 for year 2, and $4 for year 3.
    • Microsoft states that non-profit businesses can get ESUs at some discount but has not currently defined the pricing or duration.

Consumer Licenses and Extended Security Updates (ESUs):

  • Consumer (Home) users can get a one-year ESU for $30, but cannot renew after that. Security Updates will end October 25, 2026.


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